2024 Sports Direct HYROX London Results

Explore the results of 2024 Sports Direct HYROX London in Season 6 with our analytics tool. Including 6756 results for all divisions and athletes.
London Olympia, Hammersmith Road, London, W14 8UX

Rank Rank (AG) Name Age Group
378th 88th GBR Flag Kirwan Jamie 35-39 Men 01:14:33
379th 37th GBR Flag Cutts Yasmin 16-24 Women 01:23:28
379th 55th GBR Flag Tallon James 40-44 Men 01:14:34
380th 83rd GBR Flag Smith Philippa 35-39 Women 01:23:30
380th 100th GBR Flag Agyeman Osei 30-34 Men 01:14:35
381st 6th GBR Flag Lahaise Charlotte 50-54 Women 01:23:31
381st 75th GBR Flag White Jake 25-29 Men 01:14:35
382nd 56th GBR Flag Mcnulty Seamus 40-44 Men 01:14:36
382nd 81st HUN Flag Sztupak Regina 30-34 Women 01:23:35
383rd 57th GBR Flag Evans Nick 40-44 Men 01:14:36
383rd 82nd GBR Flag Footman Lucy 30-34 Women 01:23:45
384th 101st GBR Flag StarkeySmith Adam 30-34 Men 01:14:36
384th 72nd GBR Flag Jenkinson Carly 40-44 Women 01:23:45
385th 73rd GBR Flag Fitzgerald Joanne 40-44 Women 01:23:46
385th 76th GBR Flag Clune Harry 25-29 Men 01:14:36
386th 7th GBR Flag Butcher Sue 50-54 Women 01:23:49
386th 20th GBR Flag Burdall James 45-49 Men 01:14:37
387th 89th GBR Flag Fotherby Alex 35-39 Men 01:14:38
387th 74th GBR Flag Gardner Hannah 40-44 Women 01:23:49
388th 58th GBR Flag Hillary Craig 40-44 Men 01:14:40
388th 80th USA Flag Alarcon Isabelle 25-29 Women 01:23:50
389th 22nd GBR Flag Mills Nicola 45-49 Women 01:23:50
389th 6th GBR Flag James Tony 50-54 Men 01:14:42
390th 7th GBR Flag Reid Alan 50-54 Men 01:14:42
390th 84th GBR Flag Turvey Lea 35-39 Women 01:23:51
391st 90th GBR Flag Craft Ben 35-39 Men 01:14:43
391st 85th GBR Flag Philp Saskia 35-39 Women 01:23:53
392nd 83rd GBR Flag Choudhury Melody 30-34 Women 01:23:55
392nd 59th GBR Flag Green Philip 40-44 Men 01:14:43
393rd 81st IRL Flag Mehegan Aoife 25-29 Women 01:23:57
393rd 102nd GBR Flag Bramhall Kelvin 30-34 Men 01:14:46
394th 77th GBR Flag Ferris Aaron 25-29 Men 01:14:47
394th 38th GBR Flag Richardson Olivia 16-24 Women 01:23:57
395th 75th GBR Flag Rudd Lucy 40-44 Women 01:23:59
395th 91st GBR Flag Edmondson Joe 35-39 Men 01:14:47
396th 23rd GBR Flag Barr Helen 45-49 Women 01:23:59
396th 21st GBR Flag Wilson Ben 45-49 Men 01:14:48
397th 82nd GBR Flag Harvey Sophie 25-29 Women 01:24:01
397th 60th GBR Flag Herratt Tom 40-44 Men 01:14:48
398th 103rd GBR Flag Leader Michael 30-34 Men 01:14:49
398th 24th GBR Flag Hill Anna 45-49 Women 01:24:01
399th 39th GBR Flag Penton Jess 16-24 Women 01:24:04
399th 22nd GBR Flag Pettie Nick 45-49 Men 01:14:50
400th 86th GBR Flag TremenheereFox Adele 35-39 Women 01:24:04
400th 61st IRL Flag Sherlock Declan 40-44 Men 01:14:51
401st 104th GBR Flag Bell Rory 30-34 Men 01:14:51
401st 83rd GBR Flag James Emily 25-29 Women 01:24:05
402nd 84th GBR Flag Bedwell Sophie 30-34 Women 01:24:06
402nd 62nd GBR Flag Bui Nam 40-44 Men 01:14:52
403rd 84th GBR Flag Hopkins Grace 25-29 Women 01:24:08