2023 Manchester Results

Explore the results of 2023 Manchester in Season 5 with our analytics tool. Including 1693 results for all divisions and athletes.
Manchester Central Convention Complex Windmill St Manchester M2 3GX United Kingdom

Rank Rank (AG) Name Age Group
51st 16th GBR Flag Allan Andrew 35-39 Men 01:12:14
52nd 9th GBR Flag Trimble Dan 40-44 Men 01:12:14
53rd 17th GBR Flag Mcloughlin Anthony 35-39 Men 01:12:25
54th 7th GBR Flag Sablinskas Erlandas 25-29 Men 01:12:34
55th 18th GBR Flag Howe Tom 35-39 Men 01:12:34
56th 5th GBR Flag Buchan Andrew 45-49 Men 01:12:34
57th 8th GBR Flag Mawunga Jake 25-29 Men 01:12:36
58th 19th GBR Flag Mann Chris 35-39 Men 01:12:39
59th 13th GBR Flag Slater David 30-34 Men 01:12:47
60th 14th GBR Flag Harold Stephen 30-34 Men 01:12:49
61st 15th GBR Flag Bower James 30-34 Men 01:12:53
62nd 10th GBR Flag Greenhalgh Andrew 40-44 Men 01:13:00
63rd 9th GBR Flag Murray Ryan 25-29 Men 01:13:05
64th 11th GBR Flag Weaver Dean 40-44 Men 01:13:13
65th 16th GBR Flag Astbury John 30-34 Men 01:13:15
67th 21st GBR Flag Hopwood Paul 35-39 Men 01:13:21
68th 17th GBR Flag Sammes Peter 30-34 Men 01:13:21
69th 22nd GBR Flag King Thomas 35-39 Men 01:13:25
70th 23rd GBR Flag Vincent Samuel 35-39 Men 01:13:28
71st 18th GBR Flag Freestone Sean 30-34 Men 01:13:41
72nd 10th GBR Flag Martin Connor 25-29 Men 01:13:44
73rd 12th GBR Flag Reynolds Stephen 40-44 Men 01:13:58
74th 24th GBR Flag Solomon Richard 35-39 Men 01:14:00
75th 25th GBR Flag Dipper Luke 35-39 Men 01:14:17
76th 11th GBR Flag Roberts Tobias 25-29 Men 01:14:29
77th 26th GBR Flag Luxton Matthew 35-39 Men 01:14:43
78th 19th GBR Flag Fisher Dan 30-34 Men 01:14:44
79th 20th GBR Flag Fletcher Scott 30-34 Men 01:14:47
81st 12th GBR Flag Sheader Harry 25-29 Men 01:15:00
82nd 27th GBR Flag Hughes Michael 35-39 Men 01:15:05
83rd 13th GBR Flag Hulston Richard 25-29 Men 01:15:13
84th 14th GBR Flag Martin Bill 40-44 Men 01:15:18
85th 14th GBR Flag Mcintosh Cameron 25-29 Men 01:15:19
86th 28th GBR Flag Crouch Bradley 35-39 Men 01:15:24
87th 21st GBR Flag Rowcroft Zackary 30-34 Men 01:15:26
88th 29th GBR Flag Pritchard Tom 35-39 Men 01:15:28
89th 15th GBR Flag Mccord Dominic Slowey 25-29 Men 01:15:32
90th 16th GBR Flag Brady Lewis 25-29 Men 01:15:41
91st 30th GBR Flag Sinnott Ben 35-39 Men 01:15:42
92nd 15th GBR Flag Malley Kevin 40-44 Men 01:15:43
93rd 22nd GBR Flag White Nigel 30-34 Men 01:15:46
94th 23rd GBR Flag Simmons Jack 30-34 Men 01:15:48
95th 16th GBR Flag Wall Greg 40-44 Men 01:16:04
96th 17th GBR Flag Garcia Chris 40-44 Men 01:16:05
97th 18th GBR Flag Walker David 40-44 Men 01:16:10
98th 17th GBR Flag Beasley Sam 25-29 Men 01:16:14
99th 🥈 GBR Flag Samwell Lee 50-54 Men 01:16:17
100th 5th GBR Flag Jennings Mark U24 Men 01:16:24
101st 31st GBR Flag Thomson Scott 35-39 Men 01:16:24
102nd 32nd GBR Flag Moss Will 35-39 Men 01:16:29