2024 Taipeh Results

25 May 2024 1076 Results 1734 Athletes
Explore the results of 2024 Taipeh in Season 6 with our analytics tool. Including 1076 results for all divisions and athletes.
No. 1, Jingmao 2nd Rd, Nangang District, 115 Taipei City, Taiwan

Rank Rank (AG) Name Age Group
πŸ₯‡ πŸ₯‡ GBR Flag Hegazy Karim 35-39 Men 01:03:13
πŸ₯ˆ πŸ₯‡ RSA Flag Anstey Joshua 30-34 Men 01:05:08 +01:55
πŸ₯‰ πŸ₯‡ MAW Flag Nicholson Andy 25-29 Men 01:06:12 +01:04
4th πŸ₯ˆ TPE Flag ζ₯Š εΏ—η₯₯ Men 01:06:30 +00:18
4th πŸ₯ˆ HKG_HYROX Flag ζ₯Š εΏ—η₯₯ hkghyrox 30-34 Men 01:06:30 +00:00
5th πŸ₯ˆ HKG Flag Jessop Benjamin 35-39 Men 01:08:00 +01:30
6th πŸ₯‰ GBR Flag Bowness Cal 30-34 Men 01:08:23 +00:23
7th πŸ₯ˆ THA Flag Wongma Kajohnsin 25-29 Men 01:08:56 +00:33
8th 4th GBR Flag Marks Oliver 30-34 Men 01:09:35 +00:39
9th 5th HKG Flag Wu Michael 30-34 Men 01:10:28 +00:53
10th πŸ₯‰ GBR Flag Buxton Charles 35-39 Men 01:10:55 +00:27
11th πŸ₯‡ HKG Flag Chan Cheuk man 40-44 Men 01:10:57 +00:02
12th 4th FRA Flag Deliers Florian 35-39 Men 01:10:59 +00:02
13th πŸ₯‡ NED Flag Kaspers Marnix 45-49 Men 01:11:49 +00:50
14th β€” GBR Flag Yeung Daniel Men 01:12:14 +00:25
15th πŸ₯‡ IRL Flag Cuttriss Donncha 50-54 Men 01:12:31 +00:17
16th 6th NZL Flag Mckegg Andrew 30-34 Men 01:12:56 +00:25
17th 5th SIN Flag Lee Gabriel 35-39 Men 01:13:04 +00:08
18th πŸ₯‰ MDV Flag Tan Zhao lin 25-29 Men 01:13:05 +00:01
19th 4th FRA Flag Serriere Yorick 25-29 Men 01:14:15 +01:10
20th 7th TPE Flag ι™³ ζ˜±ηΏ” Men 01:14:42 +00:27
20th 7th HKG_HYROX Flag ι™³ ζ˜±ηΏ” hkghyrox 30-34 Men 01:14:42 +00:00
21st 8th SIN Flag Samuel Michael 30-34 Men 01:16:32 +01:50
22nd πŸ₯ˆ GER Flag Deloy Patrick 40-44 Men 01:16:33 +00:01
23rd πŸ₯‰ HKG Flag Wong Thomas 40-44 Men 01:16:58 +00:25
24th 9th FRA Flag Morenval Thibault 30-34 Men 01:17:02 +00:04
25th 10th MAS Flag Chan Eric 30-34 Men 01:17:43 +00:41
26th 4th NZL Flag Nowell Mike 40-44 Men 01:17:54 +00:11
27th 6th ITA Flag Pazzaglia Marco 35-39 Men 01:17:58 +00:04
28th 11th HKG Flag Wong James 30-34 Men 01:18:16 +00:18
29th πŸ₯ˆ JPN Flag Yajima Naoki 45-49 Men 01:18:25 +00:09
30th 12th JPN Flag Suzuki Sho 30-34 Men 01:18:37 +00:12
31st 7th POR Flag Pinho Luis 35-39 Men 01:18:46 +00:09
32nd 5th HKG Flag Yeung Hoiwing zach 25-29 Men 01:18:57 +00:11
33rd 5th GBR Flag Davis Aaron 40-44 Men 01:19:04 +00:07
34th 8th NZL Flag Atamu Danny 35-39 Men 01:19:18 +00:14
35th 6th TPE Flag ζž— ε† ζ—» Men 01:19:30 +00:12
35th 6th HKG_HYROX Flag ζž— ε† ζ—» hkghyrox 25-29 Men 01:19:30 +00:00
36th πŸ₯‰ FRA Flag Istel Stephane 45-49 Men 01:19:32 +00:02
37th 7th TPE Flag ι™³ δΈ–ιŠ˜ Men 01:19:37 +00:05
37th 7th HKG_HYROX Flag ι™³ δΈ–ιŠ˜ hkghyrox 25-29 Men 01:19:37 +00:00
38th 9th HKG Flag Li Pak ho 35-39 Men 01:20:03 +00:26
39th πŸ₯‡ PHI Flag Adkinson George 16-24 Men 01:20:03 +00:00
40th 8th HKG Flag Wong Anson 25-29 Men 01:20:06 +00:03
41st 13th TPE Flag 許 元耕 Men 01:20:11 +00:05
41st 13th HKG_HYROX Flag 許 元耕 hkghyrox 30-34 Men 01:20:11 +00:00
42nd πŸ₯ˆ HKG Flag Chan Hei man winson 16-24 Men 01:20:25 +00:14
43rd 10th HKG Flag Ip Kah wing 35-39 Men 01:20:40 +00:15
44th πŸ₯‡ GBR Flag Tucker Dougie 55-59 Men 01:20:46 +00:06
45th 11th THA Flag Leerungruang Vasupol 35-39 Men 01:20:58 +00:12