2023 Manchester Results

Explore the results of 2023 Manchester in Season 5 with our analytics tool. Including 1071 results for all divisions and athletes.
Manchester Central Convention Complex Windmill St Manchester M2 3GX United Kingdom

Rank Rank (AG) Name Country Age Group
560th 35th Mcevoy Kiaran GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 01:51:52
561st 36th Chapman Barry GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 01:51:57
569th 37th Gallagher Steven GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 01:53:50
576th 38th Bunce Mark GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 01:55:23
595th 39th Hasselby Wayne GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 01:59:28
599th 40th Pearson Simon GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 02:01:18
603rd 41st Lilley Steve GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 02:03:39
612th 42nd Brock Denton GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 02:05:49
627th 43rd Murfitt Adam GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 02:11:26
630th 45th Saxby Ian GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 02:15:53
634th 46th Dutton Neil GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 02:19:30
646th 47th Baumann Guy GBR GBR Flag 50-54 Men 02:32:01